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Fostering a Culture of Inclusion and Excellence at Traveltek

Monday, May 20th 2024 marks this year’s International HR Day, a day that is aimed at recognising and celebrating the value and positive impact that HR brings.

Amy Monaghan, People and Culture Manager, shares how Traveltek continually strives to create an exceptional workplace environment.

At Traveltek, we are committed to promoting a culture of:

  1. Trust
  2. Appreciation
  3. Aligned objectives
  4. Focused Performance
  5. Resilience
  6. Teamwork
  7. Integrity & Transparency

Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

One of our primary focuses this year is to further our Diversity and Inclusion initiatives. We embed inclusivity into our everyday workings by recruiting, retaining and developing diverse talent.

We recently hosted a series of Diversity and Inclusion trainings and workshops to get feedback from our teams and identify ways in which we can do better on all fronts. Our current focus is on creating an inclusive, enhanced parental and adoption leave policy aligned with our company culture. 

Flexible Working to Support Diverse Staff Needs

By providing flexible working options, including floating holidays, equal opportunities and salaries, our goal is to set ourselves apart from other companies and attract and retain the best talent. 

Traveltek Culture Squad and Team Participation

We host a Culture Squad update once a fortnight, in which we invite guest speakers, discuss fundraising initiatives, allow for teams to share updates and news, while also ensuring there’s a holistic discussion on wellbeing. 

While our leadership teams lead the way on these initiatives to ensure we offer the best workplace we can, it’s really the feedback from our teams and opportunities to have a voice in the conversation that leads to impactful change.

Perkbox perks

We also use our employee Rewards and Benefits platform, Perkbox, to recognise team members for their outstanding work and share valuable wellbeing resources such as meditation guides and workout plans. A free coffee and sausage roll along the way just sweeten the deal.

Tracking our Commitment 

We are proud of our stellar 4.6/5 rating on Glassdoor, a testament to our commitment to providing an excellent workplace. Through regular internal check-ins, such as our Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) surveys, and thorough reviews of internal metrics like pay gaps, we ensure that our commitment to our team is both data-driven and as inclusive as possible.

So this International HR Day, we reaffirm our dedication to creating a supportive and dynamic work environment and are confident that our commitment to implementing positive change will continue to attract and retain top talent within our industry.