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Analytics at your Fingertips

Your Data Warehouse is a single secure place where we store your business data for extraction into whatever way you wish to view it, providing you with advanced reporting and statistics, and the ability to easily view historical insights.

Your Data Warehouse is a single secure place where we store your business data for extraction into whatever way you wish to view it, providing you with advanced reporting and statistics, and the ability to easily view historical insights. Raw data from other areas of your business can be imported using API methods or CSV imports and then transformed into a small number of wide tables which are easy for your users to understand and use. The warehouse can easily integrate with multiple systems, from all sides of your business from Google Analytics to your chosen CRM system, so it becomes the central view of your business. Our Data Warehouse is built upon SQL Server technologies and broadly uses a Kimball design pattern with powerful Fact and Dimension tables arranged in a star schema arrangement.

Key Benefits & Features

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Full Insight

A complete view of the business with all of your data in one secure place, and having the ability to carry out advanced reporting on the data, enables you to have a complete overview and control of your whole business. You can look back and easily use historical data very simply and data is brought up-to-date consistently.

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Advanced Reporting

You are able to dig deeply into your data as required or create an overarching summary view for exec-level reporting. The quality of your Management Information advances massively as now you have the ability to quickly view reports and run detailed analytics.

To find out more about how Data Warehouse & Reporting can transform your business and provide you with a truly one-stop booking engine book a demo today.

Businesses rely on robust data warehousing architectures to harness the power of their raw data. Our platform employs state-of-the-art data pipeline technology to efficiently extract, transform, and load (ETL) data from various sources into a central repository, laying the foundation for comprehensive reporting and analysis.

At Traveltek, we understand the significance of data warehousing architectures. Our Reporting Layer Data Warehouse encompasses both traditional data warehouses and cloud data warehouses, offering you the flexibility to choose the solution that best suits your needs. We emphasize the importance of data modeling, creating structured layers within the warehouse, including a staging area for initial data ingestion and online analytical processing (OLAP) capabilities for in-depth analysis.

Explore the various types of data marts tailored to specific business functions, allowing you to access relevant insights swiftly. Whether you’re a seasoned professional in data warehousing or just beginning your journey, our platform provides a comprehensive ecosystem for all your data storage and analytics requirements.

Discover the power of Traveltek’s Reporting Layer Data Warehouse as we unlock the potential of your data flow, enabling you to make informed decisions and drive your business forward.

What is a Data Warehouse?

A data warehouse serves as a centralized store that combines historical and cumulative information sourced from one or multiple sources. Within an organization, employees utilize this repository to conduct analysis, look at insights, and make data-driven decisions.

At the core of a data warehouse lies the ETL process, which is a pivotal concept:

Extract: It involves the collection of data from diverse and dissimilar sources.

Transform: This stage focuses on converting raw, unstructured data into clean, well-structured, and validated data, ready for utilization.

Load: The processed data is then loaded into a new destination within the warehouse.

Unlike transactional databases, which primarily handle transactions, a data warehouse functions akin to a relational database, enabling querying and analysis.

The main difference between transactional databases and data warehouses lies in their purpose. Transactional databases are not optimized for analytical queries, whereas data warehouses are designed specifically for efficient analytical processing.

A typical data warehouse model encompasses historical transactional data, although it can also integrate data from other sources. Its primary function is to separate analytical capacity from transactional capacity, allowing companies to combine data from different origins.

The reporting layer within the data warehouse assists end-users in accessing the Business Intelligence (BI) interface or BI database structure. Its primary role is to serve as a dashboard for visualizing data, generating reports, and extracting necessary information.

In 2020, in collaboration with Traverse, we established a Data Warehouse to deliver a data insights product to both our customers and the broader market. Since its inception, we have showcased this platform to ABTA delegates, travel media companies, and our valued customers. Traveltek has contributed our data for industry-wide analysis, highlighting the encouraging trends within our sector during the transition out of the Covid-19 pandemic.

How Traveltek's Reporting Layer Transforms Travel Agency Insights

The reporting layer in a data warehouse plays a crucial role in assisting travel agents with their data needs by providing them with valuable insights and tools for making informed decisions.

Centralized Data Storage

The reporting layer acts as a centralized repository for all the data that agents gather from various sources. This includes customer information, booking details, pricing data, historical trends, and more. Having all this data in one place makes it easier to access and manage information efficiently, and discover data insights with ease.

Data Integration

Travel agents often collect data from multiple sources, such as booking systems, customer databases, and external partners. The reporting layer integrates all this data, ensuring that it is consistent and up to date. This integration eliminates the need for agents to manually consolidate data from different places, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Timely and Accurate Reporting

With the reporting layer, agents can generate reports and analytics quickly and accurately. They can track key performance indicators (KPIs) like sales figures, customer preferences, and booking trends in real-time. Travel data insights empower agents to make data-driven decisions and adapt their strategies to changing market conditions.

Customized Dashboards

The reporting layer often offers customizable dashboards that allow travel agents to tailor their data views to their specific needs. They can create charts, graphs, and reports that focus on the metrics most relevant to their business goals. This customization helps agents prioritize the information that matters most to them.

Historical Data Analysis

Travel agents can use historical data stored in the reporting layer to analyze past trends and performance. This analysis helps them identify patterns, customer behaviors, and market trends that can inform future strategies. For example, they can determine which destinations are popular during specific seasons or identify the best times to offer promotions.

Data-driven Decision Making

Armed with insights from the reporting layer, travel agents can make data-driven decisions to optimize their operations. They can adjust pricing strategies, marketing campaigns, and inventory management based on the data they have at their disposal. This leads to more efficient and profitable business practices.

Improved Customer Service

By having access to a wealth of customer data, travel agents can provide personalized experiences to their clients. They can anticipate customer needs, offer tailored recommendations, and resolve issues more effectively. This personal touch can lead to higher customer satisfaction and repeat business.

Want to find out more about data storage and analysis for your travel business?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a data warehouse, and why do travel agents need one?

What types of data can be stored in a data warehouse for travel agencies?

What is the role of the reporting layer in a data warehouse?

How does a reporting layer help travel agents with their day-to-day tasks?

What are the benefits of historical data analysis for travel agents?

Can a reporting layer provide real-time data for travel agents?

How does a data warehouse improve customer service for travel agencies?

Is a data warehouse suitable for both large and small travel agencies?

Are there different types of data warehousing architectures available for travel agencies?